Easy to Assemble: the baby balance bike Assembles in minutes and best of all no tools needed! Just install the handlebar as per manual inside.
Sturdy: The toddlers balance bike is with Puncture-resistant EVA tires, they will reduce vibration and offer maximum comfort and safety for kids..
Soft seat: Leather material seat is an engineering design so your baby will not tired even after long time riding.Weighing in at only 4 kg, making this the best option for young beginners learning to ride a bike.
Safety to ride - Develop child's balance, coordination, enjoy learning riding and gain confidence, let toddler easy to move up to a pedal bike and will reduce the risk of accidents, perfectly suited for exploring the world right around them.
Suitable for Height: 80 - 120 cm.
Ages: 1 to 3 Years olds.
Seat Height: 28 cm.
Handlebar Height: 40 cm.
What's in the box
1 x Toddler Mini Bike